Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Sometimes in life everything pauses. 

Ready to hit play again.  An end to the drama and just good old fashioned sweat and pain sound a whole lot better.   I'm six days out from the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon.  Good golly time goes fast.  I'm horribly under prepared for the event.  It will still be fun and very challenging I'm sure to put in the effort.  I shipped my bike via TriBike Transport (so far so good with them.  I'll know more if my bike goes missing or is damaged!). I fly out on Thursday.  My last swim is tonight.  Jorgenson Y with the women doing Zumba likely.  Ugh. 

So...Hi.  I'm going to start putting in some consistancy again, and hopefully writing will keep me in the game.