Thursday, October 13, 2011


It's nearly here.  The end.  God, what happened - as only you know.  How did the time go by so fast? Particularly the last few years.  I was just 33 yesterday. Oh well. It's coming, and with it comes the justification I've realized pondering my life that I should buy myself something nice.  Although every time I get something nice it usually gets either stolen, broken by the kids, chewed up by the dog, or I inadvertently destroy it myself within a matter of days.  Nonetheless I've been dreaming of a new bike.  A road bike.  A very light, state-of-the-art, technological beauty, all wrapped in carbon fiber and other exotic lightweight metals.  Oh brother, I'm such a sucker for bikes.  The Cervelo R3 has caught my eye.  I mean really, how often do you see seat stays that thin in a frame?  And such a tight bottom bracket?

OK.  I'll stop. It is kind of a sexy two wheeled machine though.  Too bad I barely ride anymore. There is that fact.  Maybe some new wheels though will do the trick.  Snap me out of it.  Like a good old fashioned mid-life crisis without the Corvette.  Or in my case it would be a BMW I suppose. Too cliche for me...the buying a nice car thing.  And expensive.  But buying a nice bike that you rarely ride that sits in the basemenet most of time does have its rewards.  I still occasionally have some passenger in a car yell out to me, in sweet ego building words, "you're going 34 miles an hour!" on a straight away while hammering out an all out sprint. But, there is the kids college to consider.  Surely a nice Cervelo R3 will appreciate over the years? Why, I may just pass it down to the boys in my golden years, or put it in the Will. I need to start thinking about these things as my young thirties are soon to pass.