Sunday, August 28, 2011

Oh yeah, my blog.

This blog is dead.  Have you noticed?  It's author is defunct. Unrecognizable from his former self.  I think running did it.  Just couldn't overcome my dislike of running.  I dropped out of Ironman Wisconsin.  Just couldn't pull myself together enough this year to train the required distances.  Everything in your life needs to be pretty stable and well rooted to pull off Ironman.  It's a big physical and mental accomplishment, and if you're screwed up in other ways you should forget it. 

My Achilles tendon forgot it.  The left one is throbbing now as I write, CrossFit victim #2.  Jumping roping did it in - attempting to do a series of double unders where you do just that - jump and swing the rope around twice, double under.  I wake every morning with a stiff Achilles that hurts until about noon.  Victim #1 was my lower back, thrown out during a workout  called Helen.  Helen is running, pull-ups, and kettle bell swings.  I can't recall how many kettle bell swings I did, but I know it was with the 50lb bell and couldn't bend over the next day.  Or the next, and so worth for over a month now.  I like CrossFit, the works out are intense, but they can and do really hurt you. 

2011.  What a year.  Like a depressing movie.  Can't wait for 2012, hopefully the clouds will break.