Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 2

The alarm went off this morning at 5:10am. I snoozed until 5:30, then forced myself to get my running clothes on and go out into the cold, dark morning.

It was not a good run. I put in some good mileage through most of November - and think I've developed IT band problems (again). So, I'm going to take some time away from running, which is easy for me, as I hate running. I'm working on this hatred though. Running and I will be friends again soon.

After my measly two miles of IT pain I hit the garage and did pull-ups, sit-ups and lifted weights. That was my morning work-out.

PM workout: SWIM. I did 800 SKPS (200 Swim 200 kick 200 Pull 200 Swim) and then 20 x 100 Free/IM alternating. This was a good one. 2,800 yards total at high intensity. There were parents there watching what looked like a toddler swimming class so I had to look like I knew what I was doing.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

In the beginning

For some time now I've been thinking of recording my training for the Wisconsin Ironman 2010 via blogging. So, my first entry. This is the end of my paper journal I fear.

I rode 28 miles today. November 29th in Indiana - about 55 degrees, gray, a slight rain began about 15 miles from home. It was a good ride. A rare solo ride with nothing to cloud my need to maintain any conversations. Notably, a hawk that stood on a fence post lept into flight as I passed and soared along with me briefly at my side, about 10 yards off the road. Beautiful bird - I watched him, and he seemed to watch me.

Averaged 18.9 miles per hour. I track my rides with a Garmin 405CX watch. I ride a Cervelo Soloist 2007, aluminum. This will be my second Ironman event.